"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome to Marrakech!

Greetings from Marrakech! Yesterday we made the 6 hour journey from Fes to Marrakech... From our train window you could see the beautiful landscape pass by, although admittedly I slept nearly the entire way, as I most often do. I did however wake up for an hour long unexpected stop... when my mother and I asked why we were stopped, we were told that a man was under the train. Yikes. We wished we hadn't asked. Apparently, this was not a terribly uncommon occurrence.  

We arrived safe and sound at our riad, which is just as beautiful and fabulous as the one we stayed at in Fes. The riad has two swimming pools and tons of fabulous little rooms on the first floor, or floor zero as they call it. Once again, my pictures fail to do Morocco justice. 

Our room is lovely, a real treat. We are positioned perfectly, in such a way that we don't hear the loud street just beyond the walls of the riad. My favorite thing about Morocco is that you can be walking down a dingy ally, but just behind the doors that line the ally are gorgeous riads, or spacious beautiful houses. Everywhere is a secret garden. 

The stairs in our room lead up to our own private terrace! It is official, we are never leaving.

From our terrace we look out to the Koutoubia Mosque, built in 1147! Through out the day we can hear all the calls to prayer from our balcony. It is in those moments that I say to myself "Wow, I am in Morocco!"

My mother and I thought the hotel robes were hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing from the moment I put it on. If you have ever seen the movie Space Balls, I totally felt like one of the dink-dink guys from that movie....

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