"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Back to Beacon House

After a FABULOUS trip to Morocco it was back to Ghana, but this time I had my Mummy with me!!!!!!!! Very exciting.  We had such fun adventures in Morocco, and I was excited to bring my mother to Ghana and introduce her to the sights and sounds of Accra....I left out smells.... but those certainly exist here too. 

The first day we braved the chaotic Makola Market and the Art Center, where we did some shopping. It was fun to feel like the tour guide instead of the tourist. I was surprised at the fun facts I could whip off and how, for the most part, I really knew my way around.

Wednesday we went to volunteer at Beacon House. It was like bring your mummy to work day!!
It was so great to introduce her to all the kids, who welcomed her with open arms... literally.  

We have some new babies at Beacon House that are quite possibly the cutest little babes in the world...

The kids are all about the pictures. Except they call it "snapping". They all say "Please snap me"...and then of course they want to see it....

I am working currently on getting pictures together of all the kids, as a very kind organization has volunteered to draw portraits of all the kids for them to have!

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