"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Sites of Casablanca

....Ok, so I admit, there are really not "sites" in Casablanca.... it is more like the site, as in single site, of Casablanca. But, boy oh boy, it is a site to be seen!

I attempted to capture the unbelievable roof, but it was so far up and so incredibly detailed that I could not :( It was truly magnificent 

The Hassan II Mosque which can be seen from our hotel room, is spectacular. Regardless of how nice a camera one has, there is not a picture in the world that does this place justice. 

Partly erected on water, the Hassan II mosque is one of the most beautiful edifices inspired by the late Hassan II. The prayer hall of the mosque covers 20,000 square meters and accommodates up to 25,000 worshippers. The mosque has the highest religious minaret in the world. It is 200 meters high!! The mosques construction was started in 1987 and completed in 1993.....yes that is right, it only took six years to build!! Which is totally wild considering the incredible detail. 

Leaving the mosque my mother and I marveled at the fact that, despite the state of the living conditions, each household had a satellite for their television...

On our way back to the hotel we stopped in at the old medina and shopped around to scope out the goods for sale, as well as their prices. We struggled with the currency conversions, but are starting to get the hang of it. There was some really neat stuff for sale in the medina, but we were advised to wait to do our shopping in the medina's in Marrakech and Fez, which are supposedly cheaper and generally better. 

AND THEN! Dun-Dun-Dun... I spotted it. A Pizza Hut.
There was no question that we were going there.
Pizza is easily the thing I crave most from home.

You can see how pleased I was with our choice of dinner.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you both arrived safely and are enjoying the sites or site of Casablanca. Love that blue sky. I'm living vicariously through your adventure. Your mom has my permission to buy anything she thinks I would like up to $500 but no gifts. Love the dresses, fabric and tops you have had made in Ghana. Wish it was an internet catalog. Glad to see the Travelini bag in Africa. Happy Trails! And enjoy that American food.
    xo Kim
