"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Exploring Morocco

Monday afternoon we went on a day tour of Volubilis and Meknes!
Our first stop was Volubilis which dates all the way back to the 3rd century B.C.  the roman ruins there include the Arch of Caracalla, the Basilica and the Capitol, as well as the remains of roman houses and mosaics, some of which are shown below. 

"Diana and the Bathing Nymphs"... in the house of the cortege of Venus there is a mosaic which depicts the nymphs admiring Diana as she receives water from pegasus. 
Triumphal Arch
Clearly in my natural habitat...

And then on to Meknes!!!
While in Meknes we went to this great big ancient looking building, and to be totally honest, I have no idea what it was called, or what it was for, but I do know that they filmed the Passion of the Christ there, and that the building was fantastically huge and quite enjoyable.....
God I am a terrible tourist.

I also know that this place was fun to photograph! good enough for me.

This photo shows the ablution room which is next too the burial chamber in the Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail...

We went to the medina in Meknes and toured around the market area.... there were fabulous colored pastries everywhere...

exhibit A: Fabulous colored pastries

SOO many olives everywhere.... if only I liked olives.

yep... you guessed it... that is a cows head.....
nothing like walking around where the streets literally run red..... 

Today we shopped around the medina and purchased lots of fun stuff.... Tomorrow it is on to Marrakech! Yippeee! 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I think we are all living vicariously through you. What an incredible adventure - and how awesome to be sharing it together. Keep the sights, sounds, and pictures coming! They make me want to jump on the next flight out....
    Safe travels! XOXO
