"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Welcome to Fes

Yesterday morning ( October 15th) we arrived in Fes after a four hour train ride from Casablanca.
The train was quite fun, as mum and I got to look out the window and watch the rolling landscape of Morocco pass by. As expected we had two men enter our train cabin to sit with us and suavely attempt to convince us to use their tour guides, or come to their shops in the medina. Everyone here has an angle, everyone is scheming, it's apart of the experience and I find it quite entertaining.

We arrived at our riad, the La Maison Bleua, and were given the most beautiful room I have ever stayed in. The hotel it self is just inside the old medina and it is beautiful! I kept laughing to my mother about the fact that our room looked like a honeymoon suite, rose petals included.

Talk about hospitality.... they even put rose petals in the toilet bowls....
I thought that was pretty comical. 

Our living room area

Our bedroom. Mummy daughter sleep over! My favorite.

The stairs in our room lead up to the terrace where we will be having breakfast each morning.

Our windows in the room look out over the court yard of the riad, which has a lovely pool and it truly magnificent looking. I find that pictures don't do Morocco much justice.

After exploring the hotel and getting settled, we headed into the medina to check it out.
We stuck to the straight away by the riad, as we were quite nervous about getting lost, which is easy to do. There are 35,000 narrow streets and 9,000 dead ends. 

YIKES! It was wild.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Girls,
    I am loving this trip. Mother daughter dreaming for the woman in the house of raised toilet seats.

    Is there ever a cloud in the there? The beauty of the architecture and the markets is a feast for the senses. I love the palette in Morocco so brilliant.

    The hotel looks awesome..anything with rose petals can't be bad. Can women swim in bathing suits? Is that acceptable? And $12.50 for leather shoes....hello? Fill a suitcase.

