"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Marrakech Sites and Sounds

 From our rooms terrace we look out to the Koutoubia Mosque, which dates back to 1147....if you can believe it. The minaret is 70 meters high and is the highest building in the city, by law no building is allowed to be higher.

This afternoon we decided to venture around the Place Jemaa el-Fna, a square that serves as the nerve center of Marrakech. It is a UNESCO world heritage site, and certainly a site to be seen. In the past, the square had been used for beheading criminals, but today it is a large market by day and a bustling arena of culture by night. In the evenings the air is filled with smoke from grilling meat and the aroma of spices. The square fills with musicians, dancers, fortune tellers, snake charmers and a large number of people looking to make a buck. It is totally wild at night, but incredibly hard to photograph, so I have posted our photos from the afternoon. 

There are snakes just chilling everywhere around the square... It was amusing to watch my mother dodge them all in a frenzy. She is not a big fan of snakes.... to say the least.

There are also monkeys on leashes walking all around the square.....They are creepy looking little-ish guys... they really were not that little. They weighed a lot, but had no problem climbing all over me as you can see. The one on the right was really loving the strings on my shirt.... and the one on my shoulder was big into styling my hair... he did not do a very good job.

Mummy with some water serving men! They were pretty silly.

Sunset in Marrakech! Gosh, I am in Morocco and I have been living in Ghana.... is this really my life?
Pinch me.

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