"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My First Day at the Orphanage!

Today was my first day at the Beacon House Orphanage!
This is where I will be volunteering through out the semester.
I was very excited this morning when I woke up at 6:30am and got in a cab for the 15 min drive to Beacon House. Upon my arrival, all the kids were up and about. They used me as their personal jungle gym from the moment I walked through the door. There was not a single moment that I did not have a small child grabbing at my hand to try to lead me somewhere. Here I was, volunteering my time to show these children love and support and yet it seemed that the rolls were reversed. Funny how that is.

Who remembers the 90's fad that this little boy is playing with?! Crazy Bones anyone? I know you are envious Greg.

Story time! "Who can count all the lady bugs on this page!?"

It was my mission to get this little girl to smile by the end of day....
Mission accomplished.
Trot Trot to London...works every time.
(Why is that anyways? It is kind of a terrifying concept)

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