"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Monday, September 26, 2011

A little of this, a little of that...

Before I can start this blog I have to get the gecko I just spotted out of my room... casual. 
This is a reoccurring problem for me.

This week, like every week, I went to class. I often write about all the other stuff I am up to here in Ghana, but the majority of my time is consumed by school work. I swear dad. 
Below you will find proof that I was in a classroom!
NYU hooked us up with the big screens. Here is where I will be doing all of my work for my Documenting the African City class. Although, first I have to think what I want to do my documentary on... tough choice.

 This weekend we went to a neat restaurant and bar called Chez Afrique... 
Their live music there was GREAT, but sadly my internet is too slow for me to upload videos... hence this grainy and uninteresting photograph will have to suffice.

One result of that evening was these:
32 sand flea bites. Sweet.
Calamine (or Kalamina) lotion = my life

 Today we had torrential downpours all morning long, which was actually pretty neat.
I had been having a dream that a tsunami was hitting my house, when I woke up to find that the noise from my dream was real. The rain was so loud on the roof that it woke me up.
I took the rain as an excuse to curl up in bed and sleep away the afternoon.
This picture does the rain no justice what so ever.

A number of my classmates traveled to Togo this weekend, somewhat out of necessity and somewhat out of interest. Those that missed the deadline to send in their passports and have their visa renewed were forced to leave the country for the sake of the automatic renewal upon their re-entry into Ghana. 
These classmates made the most of their trip and visited the fetish markets in Togo! Togo is really into voodoo. While I am incredibly freaked out by the pictures my classmates came home with, I am also intrigued. I must go, because where else can you buy shrunken heads?

You think they would let me through customs with this? 

Kumasi this weekend!!! Stay tuned. 

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