"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to My AMAZING Mother!

I know it is a little early mum, as your birthday is not until tomorrow (the 17th), but being that I will be away on a home stay this weekend I want to say Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

If there was a contest for best mother in the whole world, I would submit you.
I hope you have the best Birthday ever.... or Birthmonth ever!
May all your Birthday wishes come true!
I love you to the moon and back.
Can not even wait to travel Morocco with you in 28 days!!!!!!!

Last night NYU Accra partied like it was your birthday...

Semester at Sea has been in Accra for the past few days, so last night we found our way to Citizens Kofi, which had been rented out by some Semester at Sea kids.....
After sneaking into the club (because we didn't have semester at sea ID's), it is safe to say that insanity in sued...
Lets just say that I am really glad I did not do a Semester at Sea.
Those kids are wild.

NYU did have a moment of glory when we started an NYU chant and screamed along to the song "New York" by Alicia Keys and Jay-Z. 
God that song never gets old.

1 comment:

  1. The waves swept up your thoughtful loving message and delivered them to these shores!

    ...it was the best birthday gift.
