"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Random Things...

Wait a second! The trees are turning! I was so excited to see that several trees on my root to class have started changing pretty colors and shedding their leaves. It is almost like fall! Except for the fact that at this time of year the weather warms up in Ghana, but I can't say that I am upset about that.
These trees I learned are not native to Ghana, or even Africa. They were imported and planted by the Europeans back in the nineteenth century. Being that they are not tropical trees, they shed their leaves.

Anything look weird about this hospital sign to you? Maybe the energy drink advertised on it? 
I have begun to notice that every single hospital or pharmacy has this particular energy drink on its sign.
What the heck is that all about?
I decided to ask my professor (the former mayor of Accra) what it was all about.
Turns out that this energy drink company donates money to all the local hospitals and in return they are allowed to put their advertisements on EVERY sign in the hospital. It really just looks very silly to see the cancer wing of a hospital adorned with advertisements for energy drinks (which probably cause cancer, but what doesn't really?). Turns out energy companies market their drinks as having medicinal properties. WHO KNEW! God, all this time I could have just drank a RedBull to cure my malaria? 
The false advertisements in Ghana are truly overwhelming... They claim everything is good for you here. It is pretty ridiculous really.

Driving in Ghana is always quite the adventure. Not only does no one know how to drive, but the roads are so confusing it is amazing that they even function, well actually, they don't really. The traffic here will make you lose your mind. 
Please observe the above picture and notice while this is a two way highway, with multiple lanes, there are no lines on the road.......and nothing to separate you from the oncoming traffic. Perhaps in the USA people could handle this kind of road and stick to their side of the highway, but around here that is just not the case. Games of chicken are far too common. 
On roads like this, I find it is best to just close my eyes and hope for the best.
Seat-belts everyone!

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