"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Saturday, August 20, 2011

If The Heat Wasn't Melting Me, This Puppy Was!

Today, as we pulled into the lot of a huge art market, these two boys caught my eye. Well, it was not the boys that caught my eye, but rather the precious little pups they had in their hands. The boys could clearly tell from the over enthused look on my face that I was a potential buyer. Seeing this, the boys ran after our bus and waited for us to step off.

The boys were asking GH 7.00 per puppy, which is about $5. Although they did got these puppies off the side of the road, so they are at no cost to them. I wanted to buy the puppy I am holding below so badly, it took all I had to hand the puppy back to the boys.

Sharmalee and the puppy.
I don't care how god awful I look in this picture...I am holding a puppy and hence everything is right in the world. It is a good thing that I got all those rabies shots because there was nothing that could have stopped me from holding that cute little thing... 

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