"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Am Engaged!

No people, I am not making a virtual attempt at backhanding you, I am just showing off my new rock. Thats right, I got engaged! I finally found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with...the yin to my yang if ya know what I mean. Now Daddio, before you go and get your gun, you should know that the person I am engaged to is....well... me.... naturally. No I did not stutter, I am going to marry me. Who else did you think was worthy enough? Sheesh.

But really, while I may be crazy enough to try to pull something so ridiculous off, I only got this ring as "proof" that I am married and off the market. Apparently the men in Ghana are quite aggressive with marriage proposals, so I have purchased a ring as I was advised to by both NYU and my travel guide. Now I just have to think of who my fake husband is going to be.
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Channing Tatum 

Choices, choices, choices....

So while I may not be technically engaged, due to the legal complications, myself and I will still be accepting congratulatory gifts. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG i love u!!! u write so well! excited to follow u thru your journey via ur blog. xoxox alina
