"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Friday, August 19, 2011

"Bring out your dead!"...in style.

Can you guess what these giant wooden sculptures are?

In Ghana they believe that you should have an extravagant coffin in death to mirror how you lived in life. I am down. Someone carve me up a baller coffin! 

What would you have your coffin look like?
(Taylor, I refuse to let you be buried in a Diet Coke bottle...Sorry)

P.S. Who would want to be buried in a Nike Shoe? I could get down with a Christian Louboutin stiletto... Sign me up for that. 


  1. Have a great day Devin. Love the blog.

  2. Devin....

    Since I read this post I have been contemplating what my coffin would be if I lived in Africa. A big rock with a line thru it? An acorn? A book filled with quotes?
    Maybe you're right and the Louboutin is the more stylish way to go...

    We have all loved reading your interesting posts about a land that is very foreign indeed! Thanks for taking the time to keep it up, as Kim is correct that we are all living vicariously thru your amazing experiences.

    Mom xxx
