"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Friday, August 19, 2011


In Accra, when someone wants to ask "how are you?" they say "wo ho te sen?", which is directly translated to "your body feels how?". My favorite response to this question, as there are a few, is to say "bokko" which means you are cool and that everything is perfect. For the most part, that is quite true for me. Ghana is amazing and I have not even been here a week!

Today we traveled to an art museum to check out a plethora of african art. What was so cool about this particular museum is that everything in the museum is for sale. Not only is the art for sale, but it is pretty affordable. If I were not a broke college student, I would have loved to buy everything on the walls... instead I settled for a postcard sized print of one of my favorite pantings.

One of my favorite pieces of art work. This giant canvas was priced at around GH 3,000 and GH 4,000.... and the US dollar is the equivalent of GH 1.5. What blows my mind is what I am about to show you below.
The whole piece is made of threadlike yarn! I can not even imagine how long that took! 

1 comment:

  1. Devin...

    The visual talent and extreme patience it would take to make that piece of art is mind-boggling.

    Although, the patience it took for me to learn how to finally post a comment onto your blogsite may be equally as impressive.

    Mom xxx
