"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

Today I went on a day trip to Wli falls! Which was unbelievable....

Above is the top of the fall...

This is the lower part of the waterfall. So cool.

I really underestimated the force of the water until I got right under it... It was an unbelievable rush to walk under it, you could hardly stand under the force of the water coming down. It felt pretty similar to the time that Greg (my brother) soaked me with the power washer, except multiplied. 

On an aside, did you know that bats can swim?
Because they can... I was astonished to find this wittle fruit bat swimming next to me. After a miner freak out, I found myself just staring at it, as it flapped its wings through the water looking for shelter....
After watching him make several failed attempts at scaling the wall out of the water, we decided we needed a rescue mission. 

We had one of the NYU staff pick him up and bring him to safety....
We did not anticipate that we would also have to rescue the bat from the natives who wanted to eat him once we saved him from the water. Thats Ghana for you....

There were more butterflies and mesquites. It was wild.

The waterfall filled the area with mist and wind.... Took forever to get a picture that didn't have my hair flying in front of my face....

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