"In life you can choose two paths; The path of least resistance,
or the path you cannot resist."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shots, Shots, Shots! And not the LMFAO kind (bummer dude)

Woah baby! You know, I had always heard that you have to get a lot of shots in order to travel to Africa, but man oh man, I did not realize it would be this many! I got 9 shots in total, one of which was neon pink. I felt as though I was being injected with radio active material. Crossed my fingers that it would end up giving me super powers, but no such luck. Instead, I got flu like symptoms (typical). You win some, you loose some. On the bright side, I no longer can get rabies. Yippeee, ravenous dogs bite away! 
18 days and counting!